Forum Navigation


Short Version

On the main forum page you will see several forum names

Clicking on a forum name takes you to that particular forum

For example, click on "New Information"

You are taken to a forum where you can start a "NewTopic"

You can also click on a topic that has already been started

Click on "The meaning of the name Windemuth"

You are taken to a page where you can read all the posts (comments) that have been made

If you click on "PostReply" you will be able to write your own comment for everyone to read

To return to the main forum page, just click on "Board Index" located on the top left of the page

When you leave the forum, please "Logout", it is located on the top right of the page


Long Detailed Version

Once you get to the forum, you need to login.  You will see the word "Login" on the top right of the forum, or if you prefer, you will see it on left side toward the bottom.  Click on either one and you will get the "Login" screen to pop up.  Another way to do it is to just use the "Username" and "Password" blanks which are located toward the bottom of the forum main page.  Whichever way you wish to login in will work, just pick one and type in your username and password.

You will notice there are several forums, the top two are titled "Forum Announcements" and "Forum Rules".  You can read the posts in these two forums but you cannot make posts there.  These are locked and are used by the President of the organization and myself for making announcements and making changes to the rules.  Those are the only two forums that you cannot make comments in, start topics or make posts.

If you take your mouse and move the pointer over the different forums you will notice the line that you are on changes color.  If you were to take the mouse pointer and move it over the words "Forum Announcements" or "Forum Rules" you will notice the pointer changes from an arrow to a finger.  This indicates there is a link and if you click on that link you will be taken to that particular forum.  The same goes for all the rest of the forums.

Some of the forums have "Sub-Forums" and you access them the same way.  For example, click on the forum called "Reunions" and you will see another page come up with three sub-forums, one is called "Past Reunions", one is called "Germany Reunion" and one is called "Upcoming Reunions".  Once again, click on any one of those sub-forums and you will see all the posts that have been made to that forum.

Now, when you view the main forum page, you will all the main forums we have available.  You will not see the words "Newtopic" or "PostReply" anyplace on the main forum page.  You cannot a new topic and you cannot reply from the main page because that is not where you do these things.  Here is what you need to do in order to start a new topic, or to reply to one that is already started.

Click on one of the main forums, let's use "Reunions" once again as an example.  When you click on Reunions you get another page with three sub-forums, one is called "Past Reunions", one is called "Germany Reunion" and one is called "Upcoming Reunions".  Now you see the word "NewTopic" so if you want to, you can start a new topic here.  Just click on the "NewTopic" symbol and you can start one called "Hawaiian Reunion" if you want, or you can start whatever topic you want.  The only thing that we insist on is that you add topics that fit in with the forum you are in.  In other words don't start a cooking topic in the Reunions forum.  Try and stay within the main forum guidelines.  If you want to start a topic that id completely different from any of the established forums, drop me an email and let me know.  If the topic falls into an area that we feel is appropriate, we will add a forum for discussing that subject.

Now click on "Upcoming Reunions" and you will see another page come up, this time it should say "Southern Reunion?" and "2011 Reunion".  Once again, you will see the word "NewTopic", and once again you can start a new topic here simply by clicking the "NewTopic" symbol.

Now click on "Southern Reunion" and you will see all the psots that have been made for that topic.  You will now notice that the "NewTopic" is gone and the symbol "PostReply" has taken its place.  This is where you can make a post and comment on what has already been said.  You can agree, or you can disagree, or you can add any thoughts or comments you want.

You will see the words "Board Index" on the top left of the main page and on every page in the forum.  By clicking on those words you will be taken back to the main forum page.

When you are finished doing whatever it is you were doing with the forum, please "Logout" before leaving.  To do that all you need do is click on "Logout [your username]" located on the top left of the main forum page.

That is pretty much everything I can tell you.  If I missed anything, or if I got something wrong, please let me know and I will be more than happy to edit this page and correct it.  
In closing let me say that I would appreciate it if everyone started using the forum.  We put the forum on the web site to allow the membership the opportunity to tell us how they feel about the organization and to allow everyone to express their views on a variety of issues.  The forum belongs to the family organization and everyone is encouraged to voice their opinions and/or concerns whether they are dues paying members or not.  It does not matter if you have a positive comment, or a negative comment, we welcome ALL comments.  We cannot improve upon what we do unless we know where we are falling short.  So please, use the forum, state your opinions and express your views on whatever subject you want.  That is what the forum is there for.

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